The 2024/25 Bursary Program opens this September when Students are physically on Campus. The deadline to apply is the last Friday of March 2025.

The Bursary Program is designed to assist those students who are entering or continuing their post secondary education (including courses and training programs of a technical and vocational nature) and pursue the same course throughout their academic years.

Approved bursary assistance is not based upon scholastic standing but rather on the successful admission status to a post secondary institution or successful completion of one or more years leading to a recognized degree, diploma or certificate.

The Bursary Program is funded through the Ontario Command Branches and Ladies’ Auxiliaries Charitable Foundation. Ontario Command branches, and our Auxiliaries, raise funds for the Bursary Program through Poppy Tagging, and other activities such as Bingo, Break Open Tickets, Banquets and Clubhouse Operations.

If you are currently attending high school, you cannot apply until you are physically on campus in the fall.

Click here for the Current Application
Cliquez ici pour la demande actuelle

To ensure that you have completed the application in full.

All applications MUST be mailed to our office.

Applications will not be accepted by email or fax.