When a student submits an application for consideration of an award, gross family income, student income and assets, the number of dependants residing at home and/or attending a post secondary school of education, whether a student is residing at home or in residence, etc. are all taken into account.

Categories of eligibility:

To be eligible for bursary funds, the student must be enrolled in a post secondary school and be anEx-Service personnel or currently serving member of The Canadian Forces (Regular, Reserve and Merchant Navy) and their spouse or their children and grandchildren. Commonwealth war veterans and their children and grandchildren, or

  • Be an Ex-Service Personnel or currently serving member of The Canadian Forces (Regular, Reserve and Merchant Navy) and their Spouse, children and grandchildren. Commonwealth war veterans and their children and grandchildren, or
  • Be an Ordinary or Life Member of a branch of The Royal Canadian Legion, their spouse or the child or grandchild of an Ordinary or Life Member of a branch of The Royal Canadian Legion, or
  • Be an Associate Member of a branch of The Royal Canadian Legion, or the child of an Associate Member of a branch of The Royal Canadian Legion, or
    Be a member of the Ladies’ Auxiliary of a branch of The Royal Canadian Legion, or the child or grandchild of a member of the Ladies’ Auxiliary of a branch of The Royal Canadian Legion.
  • Step children and step grandchildren are recognized the same as children and grandchildren, and considered where applicable.

Apply to OSAP (Ontario Student Assistance Program):

Students are required to make application to OSAP in order to be eligible for financial consideration under the Bursary Program.

In order for a student to be eligible to apply for financial assistance through OSAP, the institution in which he or she plans to attend must be designated by the Province of Ontario for OSAP purposes.

If ineligible under OSAP, a copy of the OSAP View Application Details (fully expanded) and Status Summary confirming ineligibility must be attached to the application.

Out of Province Applications:

Applications submitted by students whose permanent residence is outside Ontario, but who are attending schools in Ontario will be accepted for consideration by the District Committee in which the school is located. Students who attend school outside of Ontario but whose permanent residence is in Ontario, may apply, and must submit proof that they have applied for student aid in the province where they are attending school.

Mature Students:

An application received from a mature student will be judged on its merit.

Apprentice Training:

In order to qualify for OSAP, for the purchase of tools, the student must be officially enrolled in a post secondary institution and the program of study recognized by the Ministry of Education and Training.

Part Time Students:

Part-time students must carry at least 20% of a course load program in order to be eligible for consideration of an award.

Correspondence Courses:

No consideration shall be given to a bursary award for students undertaking correspondence or distance education courses.

Manpower Training:

Applicants in receipt of funding through agencies (Manpower Training or other similar government sources) are ineligible.