Ed Pigeau

Ontario Command Treasurer

  • Comrade Ed joined the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 182, Thessalon, as an Associate Voting Member in October 1980, elected Secretary1982, held most of the offices in the branch including President in 1988. He is in his 38th year on the Branch Executive Council, currently as Immediate Past President.
  • Joined H‑4 Council as 1989, elected 2nd Deputy in 1991, 1st Deputy in 1993 and Zone H-4 Commander in 1995.
  • Joined District H Council in 1991, elected 2nd Deputy in 1997, 1st Deputy in 1999 and District H Commander in April 2001.
  • Elected: Provincial Vice-President May 2003; 1st Vice President in May 2007; Provincial President of Ontario Command in Burlington Ontario in May 2009. Served on 16 different Committees at provincial level.
  • Elected Provincial Honourary Treasurer in 2017. Elected Provincial Treasurer in May 2022.
  • Began serving on the Dominion Executive Council in 2003; Elected Dominion Vice President in 2012. Re-Elected Dominion Vice President in 2014.
  • Chaired/served on the following Dominion Committees; Chaired Poppy and Remembrance; Sports; Leadership Development; served on VSS; Focus on the Future Committee;
  • Ed is a Life Member of the Royal Canadian Legion, Awarded the Legion Meritorious Service Medal in June 2010. Awarded the Queens Golden Jubilee Medal in 2002 and the Queens Diamond Jubilee Medal in 2012.
  • Born in Toronto. Married to Judy, in July 1978, until her passing in February 2022. They have one “Daughter by Choice”, Brandi.
  • Moved to Thessalon, in May 1981 and began construction of their house. Employed as a Meat Cutter and occasionally as a miner, from 1982 until 1992.Opened Quality Building and Renovations in 1992. After 29 years as a cabinet maker, Ed retired in March 2021.
  • Ed is also a member of the Masonic Lodge in Thessalon having served as Master of the Lodge during their centennial, in 1997.He is a 32° Scottish Rite Mason. Ed is in his 20th year as Treasurer and Financial Advisor of the Masonic Lodge in Thessalon.
  • Hobbies include woodworking, gardening and Legion.